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  • Isabela Penagos

Banksy the Public Intellectual

Updated: May 4, 2020

Assignment #1 - Public Intellectual

The one and only painter who is known world-wide that can emotionally stimulate the public with his valuable, anonymous paintings all around different corners of the world and can be considered a public intellectual is Banksy. Banksy is the most famous, unidentified artist of our century. He is based in what people guess is his hometown, England. This England-based street artist addresses political conflicts, anti-war, anti-capitalist, and anti-establishment topics. He successfully does this with his striking pieces, in which the main subjects usually consist of rats, police officers, soldiers, children, and elderly citizens. Besides all these points, I strongly believe that Banksy is indeed a significant public intellectual. A public intellectual is defined as a well-known, intelligent, learned person whose written works and other social and cultural contributions are recognized not only by academic audiences and readers but also by many members of society in general. Bearing in mind Banksy’s numerous cultural/social contributions, his notoriety among academic and public circles, as well as his clear, established genius, is evident that Banksy fulfills the true definition of a public intellectual. Brief analyses of the intentions behind Banksy’s work speak to the novelty of his contributions and ensure his status as a public intellectual in the truest form.

Even though Banksy’s work isn’t necessarily written but more publicly displayed, the same message still gets across. He produces work that contributes to the social and cultural aspects of society. He focuses on political and social commentary that people may not be able to discuss due to personal fears or legal enforcement. An example of Banksy’s art that has provided a social contribution is his painting The Kissing Coppers. The Kissing Coppers was first spotted in 2005 Brighton. In an article, it states that this painting is an excellent example of how he has managed to build a bridge of understanding between expected enemies of ideology. The image consists of two British Policemen holding each other and kissing. This is addressing gay rights. The painting is done over a flat gray canvas, which really allows the emphasis to be on the two policemen. This creates a spotlight on the message Banksy wants to send by isolating these two individuals. If you look closer, you can see that the officers are passionately kissing one another. For example, how they are tightly embracing each other and bitting one’s lips. Banksy didn’t hold back on the explicit details that could make someone uncomfortable. He pushes the boundaries, makes people think, and feel a certain way. Banksy uses a similar technique in all his sketches/paintings. He focuses a lot on shading. Shading allows the artist to use a minimalist technique which lets the viewer fill in the details with their imagination. The way Banksy painted these two men to seem as if they were melting into the wall gives the sensation that it is never-ending.

Another interesting thing about Banksy is that the location of his pieces is crucial. Due to the fact that he wants to remain unnamed, he must be as clear as possible with the message he wants the public to grasp. Therefore, Kissing Coppers was placed very strategically. Brighton is a very lively neighborhood which has been associated as the LGBTQ+ Capital of the UK. Banksy’s reasonings to paint two policemen kissing and then pinning it in one of the gayest neighborhoods in the UK is no accident. I believe that he wanted to send a message to the homophobic community of Brighton, and the world, especially to older generations and government/police force. He believes that there should be zero discrimination and the importance of gay marriage. The painting had such a significant impact not only in the Brighton community but also around the world. The gay rights movement and LGBTQ+ march in New York City used Banksy’s painting as the image of these two major events. This is an example of a global social contribution.

An additional example that proves that Banksy falls under the category of a public intellectual, based on the fact that he has produced work addressing social and cultural dilemmas, is his piece, is Mobile Lovers. Mobile Lovers was discovered in 2014, Bristol. This painting marks a critical issue that the world is having. Today, mobile phones have consumed society from the importance of living in the moment. This painting educates and highlights the striking image it is to see two adults embracing, however looking at their phones rather than their partner, while hugging. Banksy uses the same technique as the one he used in The Kissing Coppers. Shading. Shading is one of his most signature skills. However, this painting is different. Banksy placed the man and the woman in the foreground of a very dark and depressing background. The dark background gives the impression as if this couple is being consumed by technology and losing touch in love. As if there is no more hope for them to come back to reality and disconnect from their screens. Additionally, the light coming from their phone is what allows us to see the painting. Making us feel that because the light of the phone is what is making them appear in the first place, it feels as if they wouldn’t exist and are now nothing without their cellphones. As if there is no going back. Moreover, the bottom of their body is not very visible and lacks detail, making it hard to make out. This allows people to think that they are slowly disappearing and losing their humanity.

Lastly, Banksy always places his paintings in very specific locations. By painting this couple on a door that is surrounded by a stone wall, it gives the sensation as if they are trapped and have nowhere to go. Making them stand even more and emphasizing again the main idea that there is no hope for this loveless couple. I believe that this was influenced by the dependency people today have towards their phones and how technology has become overpowering. An article states that “Banksy feels that people are spending too much time on their phones and social media and not enough time living in the moment with the people they genuinely care about.” Mobile Lovers began to trend on social media because of the impact it had on people. Citizens were shocked due to the realism in the painting and the power to relate to what was happening. The majority of Banksy’s work has contributed positively socially and culturally.

Another major element to being a public intellectual is having your work be recognized not only by an academic audience and reader but also by society in general. It is not a secret that the majority of Banksy’s audience is the general public; however, he also has a robust academic audience supporting him. A thread that has been going viral on Twitter about Banky’s recent sketch in Bristol being vandalized, only days after it had been discovered, is causing a lot of difference in opinions. Banksy stated that he did not care if someone vandalized his work because he sees graffiti as art, and someone painting over his art is, according to him, adding more to the piece. The other side of the argument is stating how it is not art, that it is graffiti, and it is illegal. This has caused much movement because there are a lot of passionate Banksy fans that strongly disagree. Even this small example has already created a wave of thoughts and opinions spiraling through the general public through social media.

Secondly, there is also an academic audience that follows Banksy. According to the academic scholar, Paul Gough, in collaboration with the University of West England, Gough talks about the impact Banksy has had in the community of Bristol. In the summer of 2009, Bristol made world news because of Banksy. Roughly 300,000 people waited in line, rain or shine, to see Banksy’s first museum & art gallery. However, a vast topic of conversation that was floating around the public was, “are we dealing with art, ‘street art,’ or graffiti?” Gough claims that Banksy is the exception. That the way he has been able to join communities together for the better and forcing conversations to be had for the better of the global population is what a public intellectual does.

The last key factor to being a public intellectual is being well-known and intelligent. Banksy is one of the most successful, renowned artists in modern times. He has gone viral worldwide various times, and his whole image of wanting to be anonymous only created more of a buzz. People love not having the answers and want to try to figure it out. Banksy has managed to create a solid fan base from all types of geographics and demographics, making him well-known everywhere. This goes hand in hand with his intelligence. Someone who has the power to create so much friction has to be brilliant in keeping an image for themselves. Banksy’s stencils feature striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans that people can relate to.

There is an interesting comparison with the article, Whitman’s Theory of Organic Democracy, by Stephen Mack. Whitman’s theory talks about three fundamental expressions; however, the one I want to focus on most is liberty. Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views. Banksy is all about liberty. He does not care that he is technically committing a crime by graffiting the city because he believes that it is all about a bigger purpose and message to the people. Banksy cares about society and the right to freedom of speech. Whitman utters about, “the belief that individual liberty is an absolute value” and how the treatment of liberty is a view of the creative process. This works in close association with Banksy.

Overall, Banksy is a true public intellectual. He has produced countless striking pieces that culturally contribute to society, with his Mobile Lovers and Kissing Copper paintings. He is recognized by the general public as well as by an academic audience, like Paul Gough, all around the world, as one of the most exceptional outspoken people of today’s time. In closing, Banksy is a well-known, intelligent, and unique individual.

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