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  • Isabela Penagos

Should Migration be a Fundamental Human Right?

“When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists.” Current US President, Donald Trump, built his whole presidential campaign on expressing his bitterness and disapproval towards immigrants coming to the US, especially from Mexico. Ironically, today, the USA holds the record for the highest total number of immigrants, being home to nineteen percent of the world's immigrants. Trump’s aggressive statement brought even more hate towards people who are just looking for a second chance to be a part of a better community. In reality, immigration should be a fundamental human right, and it is our global responsibility to welcome new cultures into the melting pot that is America. A new policy should be put in place, because if not the United States economy will be greatly affected.

The Government is continually putting in place new rules and regulations to make their nation a better place for their citizens. Because a policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, the government is able to put themselves front and center and superior to the individuals because usually whatever they say goes. At the moment, the United States of America migration policy, which President Trump enforced, is essentially racism. A policy should be made from what the greater majority believes is most ethical. The most humane thing to do is to understand that migration is usually caused by unfortunate circumstances happening in their homelands? Therefore, citizens should learn to be compassionate and sympathetic towards people who decided to leave their homes and start over in unknown territories. America was built on freedom of speech, but what about freedom of movement? If a new policy is put in place, it should allow the liberty to migrate anywhere and have people from all countries and backgrounds integrate with the U.S. culture. The right for a nation to decide whether someone is “worthy” enough to enter a country is not morally correct; however, a way to justly determine whether someone is “worthy” enough is by seeing if that individual is a danger to the community they decide to join. There should be a fast, more efficient application process where the individual sees if he or she passes the strict criteria. Access to a country should be granted based on the person's history. If the applicant is by any means a safety hazard or is potentially dangerous due to past violent records, they should not be allowed in. Assumptions for the person should never be made just from where they come from. President Trump proclaims that Mexican immigrants are killers and rapists which will affect the economy; however, facts state that these “killers” are actually what is keeping the US economy together.

Today, migrants have helped make our country what it is. They, for the most part, are beneficial to our economy and community. Every year, as many as three million people come to the US after fleeing the unstable political and economic situation at home. The US is one of the world's largest agricultural producers and exporters. With such a lucrative and heavily subsidized industry, farms require many laborers to plant, grow, and harvest all the food produced. Although conditions in the U.S. may be better than the conditions immigrants faced in their home country, manual labor is a very demanding task. Because the salary is better in the US than in Mexico, migrant workers are more willing to support the US agriculture industry. Many conservative Americans argue that immigrants are “stealing their jobs” and are in favor of the deportation of illegal immigrants. However, studies have shown that immigration has actually created more jobs and benefited the economy. Few average Americans are willing to do the fieldwork of many migrants for such little pay. Without migrant workers making up the backbone of the agricultural industry, America has little chance of maintaining its agro-dominance. This clearly indicates that if Trump’s governmental policy of exporting all non-US citizens remains, the economy will crash. Moreover, this is why it is vital to support immigration. Migration should be a fundamental human right. By coming to the U.S., migrants make the economy stronger and more stable.

Overall, it should be our moral obligation to accept immigrants into the US because the main reason for migration is refuge from an unstable environment in their own country. No matter where someone is from, we all share a common goal for peace. Being socially correct is something that should be taught to every new generation. Ways we can advocate migration laws to help more migrants is by advocating that they are more beneficial to a community rather than detrimental. Making peace and having to oblige to respect the culture they decide to integrate with will only make the merge easier.

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